The closing of the semester always puts me into a state of panic. I know we're still seven weeks out, but I'm feeling the strain so much earlier this semester. The emotional roller-coaster that was [somewhat still is] the previous three weeks surely didn't help.
So. I'm trying to concentrate on the things that leave me calm/smiling/giggling/dancing-erratically-and-collapsing-on-the-floor-due-to-stubbed-toes.
I've decided - during my nightly allotted 30 minute break-time - to compile for you the things I love right this minute.
*Honeyed iced tea - Sweet and southern and oh so delightfully caffeinated!
*Mac's magnetic laptop charger cord and its inventor - I've tripped over my cord five times tonight, because I love iced tea so much. Thanks for saving my 15" high-gloss baby with your genius design!
*My own writing skills. Four hours worth of work churned out in two with no loss of quality leaves me thrilled.
*The coming concert call from MLP. By far my favorite tradition. [Circus, If You Seek Amy, Me Against the Music, and Do Something, please and thank you. Also, Touch of My Hand. If she does something interesting.]
*The scent of my pillows. Orchid + lavender = easy sleeping. [It's problematic when trying to study in bed - hence a need for caffeine, hence the tea, hence the bathroom, hence the love for the magneticord - but I'll be re-appreciating it here in a few hours.
*Darren King- You [+ tea] are keeping me awake right now. Also:

Photo by Frozen Reflections, courtesy

Photo by Matt Elwood, courtesy
Who does that? You do. The world thanks you.
*Jeremy Avery, for promising to make me veggie-friendly enchiladas. I live in a Mexican-food free wasteland. No bueno for a southwestern girl like me. I must have my arroz y frijoles.
*The beginning of NY Lit [minus the added course-work].
*Today being sunny, and the mysterious lift of my illness. Oddly, I was only sick during the recent cold-snap. I think I'm allergic to winter.
Back to school-related things.
Tonight's agenda:
*Short reading for STS, accompanied by a short response
*Film viewing for International Film - "Last Life in the Universe" [Japan, 2003] [Bless you, NetFlix Instant Play.]
*Sweet, sweet lavender perfumed sleep