Things that have made it shitty:
* E-mail from the bio-dad
* Asshat friends and their unsolicited advice/total ignoring
* Perfect warmth followed by gale-force winds the temperature of Antarctica [fuck you too, Oklahoma]
* Snooty barista telling me I shouldn't order Earl Gray mistos. Mind your business. It's my $2.44. [If this happens one more time I will refuse to buy coffee from anyone except the following baristas: Eryn, Emily, D.A., Matt, Lisa.]
* Being thought less important than South Park
* Getting excited for a package only to find out that it wasn't my gorgeous birthday present as I had expected, but the present I had ordered for my asshat friends' birthday. [I call fail on FedEx.]
* Smelly girls making my room smell faintly of hot wings and garlic dipping sauce.
Things that are making it better:
* Asshat friend apologizing for being insensitive.
* Earl Gray misto. [Suck it, snooty nameless barista.]
* Tom Waits
* Shartel and Tacoma, aka Marcus
* Pillows smelling of orchid and lavender.
* Saltiest. Chips. Ever. [Thanks for the giggles, Chipotle.]
* iTunes Genius [Why had I not tried it out until now?! It's . . . . genius! Only, I really don't think The Ting Tings' "Fruit Machine" is anything like Tom Waits' "Dead and Lovely." Just sayin'.]
* Mom quoting "The Cowboy Way" to me. It's kinda our thing. Don't judge.
* Sister saying "shitty." Mission to corrupt is going smoothly.
* Eryn's reminding me of this guy:

Break, I'm glad you're almost here. Hello to sweet Texas heat, and the little sister, and mani/pedis, and haircut, and RockBand with the littlest brother, and pleasure reading, and the pop making me delicious vegetarian food, and baking to my heart's content, and crafting, and coming to the realization that I'm probably overworked and stressed and that no one is really being an asshat, that I'm possibly just overreacting, and calming down and returning to find that I like everyone again.
[ :) That made me feel good.]
Ooooh, girrrl. You gon' need to slow that fucker DOWN, Miss Voyager. I am just sayin'. Don't front.
And if I remember correctly, the last time you got yo' hair did over break, the results were quite winning. So I'm hoping for the same results.
a few items:
a. the london fog tea latte is, in fact, a glorified earl grey misto. it's dumb starbucks semantics. that barista probably doesn't even know what a tea misto is.
b. i can't believe you haven't been on the genius train before now! best thing ever. also, i don't think the point is to find songs that are similar, only songs that go well together.
c. i afraid can't take credit for the woosh of middle fingers. emily reminded me of that the other day.
Shoot, I know Tacoma. I'm gon get it did right, fo sho.
Fo. Sho.
I'm thinking either re-stacking it, because I know that looks damn good, with the inclusion of bangs, or just getting the bangs cut in and evening out the bottom. Maybe a bit of layering with the latter. Also, I might go for a deeper red.
And Eryn, you can take credit for reminding me.
And yes, I am lame for not getting on the genius train. Better late than never?
Oh snap. Texas, here we come.
And can't pass up the verification word: excow.
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