Wednesday, October 22, 2008

An artificial tree that plays Silent Night over and over again. . .

This is my life lately.

I must help some of the most idiotic and rude people improve their writing skills multiple times a week. Not only this, but I am required to remain both professional and friendly.
I live in an environment that actively suppresses both creativity and forward-thinking.
I haven't slept well in days.

I need to giggle.
I need a functioning digital SLR.
I need 18 rolls of film.
I need a brush, a 6' X 9' canvas, and a heap of paint.
I need visual stimulation.
I need aural stimulation.
I need out.
I need a hug.

Monday, October 20, 2008


Fall break has ended.

Is it wrong to find that a bit of a relief?

Sunday, October 12, 2008


So, a friend of mine left a comment on the Wasteland's Facebook group wall.

What it amounted to was that I am shallow and I hurt people's feelings. [Um, hi. Have you met me?]

My two thoughts are these:

1. I'm not so superficial as to truly believe that what people wear has anything to do with their worth as a person. Contrary to what most might believe, I really do care about people. Love them always? No. Like them always? HA! No. Care about them? Very much. If anyone's feelings are legitimately hurt by the Wasteland, I'd like for them to come to me and tell me straight to my face. I'd like to know, so I will be better able to avoid hurting others in the future. [I don't know if you noticed, but I have yet to call any individual anything derogatory.]

I believe that your appearance affects the way people treat you in the "real world." [It's out there, children, I've been there. Your parents didn't make it up.] What I want is for people to get into the habit of making a small effort at the very least so that when they get out there potential employers, contacts, love interests, etc. don't think things like "slovenly" and "lazy."

I'd also like to see people taking pride in themselves. Your worth should never be tied to material things, but damn if wearing an LBD and some leopard peep-toe pumps doesn't put a little extra pep in your step.

I want people to care about themselves enough to dress well. It not only improves the way people perceive you, it heightens confidence [which also improves the way people perceive you . . .] Dress how you want. Wear ratty-ass, dirty sweatpants and hoodies. I couldn't care less. Just realize [and I'm not kidding here] it's your future.

2. If I want to say that someone's ugly pants are ugly, I'm going to. If I want to say that a skirt is making a perfectly adorable girl look like a fat cow, I'm going to. If I want to say that there are certain unnamed individuals who look like they haven't washed since last Christmas, I'm going to. It's as simple as that.

"I think the most un-American thing you can say is, 'You can't say that.'" - Garrison Keillor

We are not living in a completely fascist society just yet, but while America is on it's way out you can be damn sure that I am going to exercise my right to free speech.

I spent a good deal of my youth trying to suppress my voice so that people would like me more. I absolutely refuse to do so as an adult. I am abrasive. I am sassy. I'm a bitch. Whether you love me or not, it's just something you are going to have to get used to.

It's all in good fun. It makes people laugh. I try very hard to make sure it doesn't berate individuals. I see no problem with it.

On top of this:

It's my goddamn right as an American citizen to say most anything I want. I'll be damned if anyone is going to attempt to passively bully me out of exercising that right.

Oh my fucking god, fucking dinosaurs!

Terrified. No joke.

I know it's long, but watch it all the way through.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

No good.

I'm sick, hence the lack of updates to both the Bitchery and the Wasteland.

My head feels like it is moments away from explosion.

Also - I finished a roll this past week. I had some very well-composed shots. Beautiful subject matter - including illegal shots of Roman sculpture from the Louvre.

After taking the film out of my camera, I noticed something funny. Well, not exactly funny. Less funny and more tragic.

My camera was set for 100ISO. I only shoot in 400 or above.

I had been explaining how to work my camera to my little sister over the summer. While doing this we had a conversation about film speed, and I was showing her how to make adjustments on my camera. I never reset it.

I'm just going to have to wait until I get in the darkroom to see if they are completely ruined, or if I can correct the exposure a little bit when I make prints.

I am not happy. Whole roll of film possibly wasted. And the worst part - some of those images I can't re-shoot.

Monday, October 6, 2008


Drew. Seriously. You need to calm the hell down.

I get the feeling you could be a really likable person if you weren't such a hypersensitive jerk.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

I am not your mother.

That's right, freshman ladies, I am not your momma.

I'll tell you what this means.

This means that I have zero concern for your personal belongings. You heard it. Zero. None. Niet.

Learn to set a goddamn timer and take your shit out of the washing machines. [Not that I care about your fugly-ass clothing, but it will mildew if you let it sit in there for too long.]

30 minute wash.
Hour dry.
It is not difficult.

I do not want to have to reach into that machine and be forced to touch your dingy panties just so I can get some laundry done.

Today I was being kind. I put your things on the laundry table neatly. Next time that shit is going into a big ass heap on the floor. Go ahead and see if I'm kidding.

A perfect snapshot of America. . .

Religulous was fan-fucking-tastic. Simple as that.

As we were leaving the theater in Quail we came upon a terrimusing sight.

There was a sizable line of people waiting for the escalator. No more than 20 feet away? Stairs. Not even a full flight. Was anyone on them? No. Brilliant.

Clark was a bit disappointed that his first instinct had been to take the escalator as well. We took the stairs, therefore we are better than average Americans.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

"I Hate Camera"

Yeah? You hate camera?

Well, I hate docents like you.

What harm is my poor AE-1 causing the museum? It requires an external flash, which I did not bring because I know that light can damage the paintings. So, my taking flashless shots of marble and granite statuary? What harm was that causing?

It's not like I was going to try and take credit for a 2,000 year-old statue.
"Yeah, that sweet-ass statue of Nero as a child? I did that."

For the record, Mr. Docent, sir? I got a picture of your pudgy ass taking a nap while you were supposed to be monitoring the patrons. [You were apparently too busy to get that lady to stop talking loudly on her cell in the middle of the exhibit. Sure, you all have the time in the world to tell me to not take pictures, but you can't make that bitch shut the hell up when she was truly ruining peoples' experiences. Good call.]

BT Dubs - I got some sweet shots anyway. [On the AE-1 AND the phone, just to make sure I used all the cameras I had on my person.] Stick that in your I-have-to-wear-this-fugly-suit-from-JC Penny-for-my-superbly-exciting-career pipe and smoke it.

Religulous tonight! I am super excited. MLP informed me that it is amazing. I trust the Powers, so I am going into this fully expecting to be blown away.

Friday, October 3, 2008

My vagina is angry.

CSI is going to be the end of my sanity, I swear.

Today's "discussion?" Family structure and male and female roles.

Linda Wilcox [henceforth called L Dubs]: Why is it that most societies worldwide currently and historically have been patriarchal?

From this point the class spiraled out of control into a frenzy of "well men are stronger, more emotionally stable, ordained by god . . . . . " bullshit.

I said it in class, and I'll say it again: men are not better, they are different. Stronger? Perhaps due to sheer size and musculature [nothing that some 'roids and a good old-fashioned work ethic can't fix] but women are creatures of endurance [menstruation . . . . . hello?].

We're patriarchal due to historical reasons. Somewhere along the line there was a power struggle and men won out. The end.

Don't give me any of that "men are more suited to lead" BS. With the exception of Palin [and this is because she's an idiot, not because she has a cooter], it simply isn't true.

Also: if you don't want to buy me that print for my birthday, I have my eye on a necklace that was featured in October's Vogue. Peacock moth-wing pendant. $2,500. I'll let you children make that choice on your own.

[Who am I kidding, you all know I'll settle for a hug, a subscription to Nylon, and a big bottle of Pellegrino.]