Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Redemption. Otherwise entitled: FAW/AT-BBM

I have redeemed myself for all instances of questionable shenanigans.

Yes, children. ALL instances.

On a completely different note:

Oh. Em. Ef. Gee.

Two days. I cannot wait!

Saturday, December 13, 2008


The rage has lifted. It is completely last season's Prada. [New catch-phrase, BT Dubs. You're welcome. Be sure to spread it like the syph.]

It's quite miraculous, really. I don't know what happened, but I don't feel like gouging everyone's eyes out with my clickable Sharpie anymore.

It could have been the phone call with Marcus earlier today. It's nice to hear someone excited about your brother's return. And to have them willing to listen to you complain about the heinous bitch your siblings call step-mother. And to know that this person would totally go to a Britney Spears concert with you, no questions asked. And to know that when a girl walks by wearing yellow crocs, double cuffed jeans, VPL, blue glitter eyeshadow, a scrunchie, or anything with the word "bootylicious" on it, you don't need to explain anything; they know.

Though the rage is gone, I still want to go home.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

It's funny how the most irreplaceable people in you life are often the ones you'd most like to replace.

A little while ago CRT posted a blog about homosexuality, to which I responded with a very Danielle [sarcastic with a pinch of bitch] comment.

He then sent [it felt more like an attack] me a Facebook message listing points to prove me wrong in my comment. [Which I find a bit funny, considering I made no argument against his post in my comment.]

I was going to counter that message here, but then I realized: I am not Michael Stephanic, and I am not Clark, and I see no reason to "kick some ass" in arguments. It's just not who I am.

I make my position known in sharp statements, and move on. [Perhaps I'll post my response later. I am fond of my phrasing. What can I say, I am a wordsmith.]

This whole situation put me in a state of rage. And I realized, it's time to go home.

This break can't come quickly enough. I need the time away. To clear my head. To recenter. To remain able to continue liking everyone.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

At Danny's prompting . . .

Danny Roberts, whom you're all aware I adore [I haven't forgotten about that print, children. March 3. It's coming.] made a request quite a few posts back [I spent the afternoon catching up. I'm a slacker.] that his fans post two images that remind them of their own view of what love is.

I am deviating a bit, and posting one of what love should be, and one of what it shouldn't.

[JFK Memorial, Dallas, TX.]

[DART Transit, Dallas, TX. Pictured: Matthew McGrath]

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Stick that in your industrial military complex pipe and smoke it, G Dub. Or shove it up your ass. Your choice.

I take a quick study break to bring you this breaking news report:

My brother is coming home from tour numero two very soon. [First tour extended by six months + second tour after saying he wouldn't have to go back = angry Danielle.]

Some of you may remember that last year I was accused of not supporting our troops after making a harmless joke in the beloved [and greatly missed] Big 10 of the Echo.

Turns out this unpatriotic bitch has a brother in the armed forces. [And a Marine at that. Even though he works for everything I stand against, at least he's on the team that kicks the most ass.] [Suck on that, you twat. Yeah, I am still a little bitter about those comments, you ignorant hate-monger.]

At any rate, last month he watched [yes, as in saw first hand, maybe even got splattered a bit] one of the men he was stationed with get his head blown off. And his best friend was sent home last week without a leg. [I believe that means he gets a Purple Heart. I don't think medals are nearly as rad as legs. They may be shiny, but they can't wrap around another body in the shower. I'm just saying . . .]

[(First tour extended by six months + second tour after saying he wouldn't have to go back) X injured friend] ^ dead friend = George W. and all of his toadies are assholes.

[That's math, bitches.]

As far as I know Sean is uninjured. He's currently in Germany. [Yay beer! And Lederhosen! And beer!] Soon he will be in California to debrief. And then . . . . . . home to Houston on December 19th!! [That's our brother Jason's birthday, which makes the return even better.]

So happy. You can't imagine.

If it weren't for a Bib Interp test tomorrow, I'd be running around screaming and smiling like a nutter.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

An artificial tree that plays Silent Night over and over again. . .

This is my life lately.

I must help some of the most idiotic and rude people improve their writing skills multiple times a week. Not only this, but I am required to remain both professional and friendly.
I live in an environment that actively suppresses both creativity and forward-thinking.
I haven't slept well in days.

I need to giggle.
I need a functioning digital SLR.
I need 18 rolls of film.
I need a brush, a 6' X 9' canvas, and a heap of paint.
I need visual stimulation.
I need aural stimulation.
I need out.
I need a hug.

Monday, October 20, 2008


Fall break has ended.

Is it wrong to find that a bit of a relief?

Sunday, October 12, 2008


So, a friend of mine left a comment on the Wasteland's Facebook group wall.

What it amounted to was that I am shallow and I hurt people's feelings. [Um, hi. Have you met me?]

My two thoughts are these:

1. I'm not so superficial as to truly believe that what people wear has anything to do with their worth as a person. Contrary to what most might believe, I really do care about people. Love them always? No. Like them always? HA! No. Care about them? Very much. If anyone's feelings are legitimately hurt by the Wasteland, I'd like for them to come to me and tell me straight to my face. I'd like to know, so I will be better able to avoid hurting others in the future. [I don't know if you noticed, but I have yet to call any individual anything derogatory.]

I believe that your appearance affects the way people treat you in the "real world." [It's out there, children, I've been there. Your parents didn't make it up.] What I want is for people to get into the habit of making a small effort at the very least so that when they get out there potential employers, contacts, love interests, etc. don't think things like "slovenly" and "lazy."

I'd also like to see people taking pride in themselves. Your worth should never be tied to material things, but damn if wearing an LBD and some leopard peep-toe pumps doesn't put a little extra pep in your step.

I want people to care about themselves enough to dress well. It not only improves the way people perceive you, it heightens confidence [which also improves the way people perceive you . . .] Dress how you want. Wear ratty-ass, dirty sweatpants and hoodies. I couldn't care less. Just realize [and I'm not kidding here] it's your future.

2. If I want to say that someone's ugly pants are ugly, I'm going to. If I want to say that a skirt is making a perfectly adorable girl look like a fat cow, I'm going to. If I want to say that there are certain unnamed individuals who look like they haven't washed since last Christmas, I'm going to. It's as simple as that.

"I think the most un-American thing you can say is, 'You can't say that.'" - Garrison Keillor

We are not living in a completely fascist society just yet, but while America is on it's way out you can be damn sure that I am going to exercise my right to free speech.

I spent a good deal of my youth trying to suppress my voice so that people would like me more. I absolutely refuse to do so as an adult. I am abrasive. I am sassy. I'm a bitch. Whether you love me or not, it's just something you are going to have to get used to.

It's all in good fun. It makes people laugh. I try very hard to make sure it doesn't berate individuals. I see no problem with it.

On top of this:

It's my goddamn right as an American citizen to say most anything I want. I'll be damned if anyone is going to attempt to passively bully me out of exercising that right.

Oh my fucking god, fucking dinosaurs!

Terrified. No joke.

I know it's long, but watch it all the way through.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

No good.

I'm sick, hence the lack of updates to both the Bitchery and the Wasteland.

My head feels like it is moments away from explosion.

Also - I finished a roll this past week. I had some very well-composed shots. Beautiful subject matter - including illegal shots of Roman sculpture from the Louvre.

After taking the film out of my camera, I noticed something funny. Well, not exactly funny. Less funny and more tragic.

My camera was set for 100ISO. I only shoot in 400 or above.

I had been explaining how to work my camera to my little sister over the summer. While doing this we had a conversation about film speed, and I was showing her how to make adjustments on my camera. I never reset it.

I'm just going to have to wait until I get in the darkroom to see if they are completely ruined, or if I can correct the exposure a little bit when I make prints.

I am not happy. Whole roll of film possibly wasted. And the worst part - some of those images I can't re-shoot.

Monday, October 6, 2008


Drew. Seriously. You need to calm the hell down.

I get the feeling you could be a really likable person if you weren't such a hypersensitive jerk.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

I am not your mother.

That's right, freshman ladies, I am not your momma.

I'll tell you what this means.

This means that I have zero concern for your personal belongings. You heard it. Zero. None. Niet.

Learn to set a goddamn timer and take your shit out of the washing machines. [Not that I care about your fugly-ass clothing, but it will mildew if you let it sit in there for too long.]

30 minute wash.
Hour dry.
It is not difficult.

I do not want to have to reach into that machine and be forced to touch your dingy panties just so I can get some laundry done.

Today I was being kind. I put your things on the laundry table neatly. Next time that shit is going into a big ass heap on the floor. Go ahead and see if I'm kidding.

A perfect snapshot of America. . .

Religulous was fan-fucking-tastic. Simple as that.

As we were leaving the theater in Quail we came upon a terrimusing sight.

There was a sizable line of people waiting for the escalator. No more than 20 feet away? Stairs. Not even a full flight. Was anyone on them? No. Brilliant.

Clark was a bit disappointed that his first instinct had been to take the escalator as well. We took the stairs, therefore we are better than average Americans.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

"I Hate Camera"

Yeah? You hate camera?

Well, I hate docents like you.

What harm is my poor AE-1 causing the museum? It requires an external flash, which I did not bring because I know that light can damage the paintings. So, my taking flashless shots of marble and granite statuary? What harm was that causing?

It's not like I was going to try and take credit for a 2,000 year-old statue.
"Yeah, that sweet-ass statue of Nero as a child? I did that."

For the record, Mr. Docent, sir? I got a picture of your pudgy ass taking a nap while you were supposed to be monitoring the patrons. [You were apparently too busy to get that lady to stop talking loudly on her cell in the middle of the exhibit. Sure, you all have the time in the world to tell me to not take pictures, but you can't make that bitch shut the hell up when she was truly ruining peoples' experiences. Good call.]

BT Dubs - I got some sweet shots anyway. [On the AE-1 AND the phone, just to make sure I used all the cameras I had on my person.] Stick that in your I-have-to-wear-this-fugly-suit-from-JC Penny-for-my-superbly-exciting-career pipe and smoke it.

Religulous tonight! I am super excited. MLP informed me that it is amazing. I trust the Powers, so I am going into this fully expecting to be blown away.

Friday, October 3, 2008

My vagina is angry.

CSI is going to be the end of my sanity, I swear.

Today's "discussion?" Family structure and male and female roles.

Linda Wilcox [henceforth called L Dubs]: Why is it that most societies worldwide currently and historically have been patriarchal?

From this point the class spiraled out of control into a frenzy of "well men are stronger, more emotionally stable, ordained by god . . . . . " bullshit.

I said it in class, and I'll say it again: men are not better, they are different. Stronger? Perhaps due to sheer size and musculature [nothing that some 'roids and a good old-fashioned work ethic can't fix] but women are creatures of endurance [menstruation . . . . . hello?].

We're patriarchal due to historical reasons. Somewhere along the line there was a power struggle and men won out. The end.

Don't give me any of that "men are more suited to lead" BS. With the exception of Palin [and this is because she's an idiot, not because she has a cooter], it simply isn't true.

Also: if you don't want to buy me that print for my birthday, I have my eye on a necklace that was featured in October's Vogue. Peacock moth-wing pendant. $2,500. I'll let you children make that choice on your own.

[Who am I kidding, you all know I'll settle for a hug, a subscription to Nylon, and a big bottle of Pellegrino.]

Sunday, September 28, 2008

March . . . .

Danny Roberts - one of my favorite artists and current art obsession [sorry Phil Hansen] - finally has prints available for purchase. [!!!!!!!!!]

Can we say "hello birthday gift?"

[Please and thank you for "Gemma Black and White." March 3. A little over 5 months. 22 weeks. 156 days. That's $1.30 a day. I think I'm worth $1.30 a day, don't you?]

Saturday, September 27, 2008


We are currently discussing historical changes that have drastically affected the American family in Contemporary Social Issues. This past Friday we "discussed" birth control and Roe VS Wade.

Earlier this semester a young lady in this class asked her neighbor, "Why is abortion even necessary? I don't understand why you would need one." The other young woman responded, "Well, perhaps that child wasn't meant to be." [I cannot even begin to talk about the idiocy of that statement. Sadly, that's not even the kicker.] The first young lady then says, "How can that child not be meant to be if God made it?"

What do you even say to someone who wholeheartedly believes that babies are angels sent directly from heaven to bless mommies and daddies?

Let me tell you about abortions, baby girl, and why mommies and daddies make this difficult decision.

I'm sorry, honey, but the world is not a sunshiny type of place. Sometimes children are intended - mommy and daddy planned for them, they wanted that child. Sometimes children are the product of rape - a very mean man forces himself upon a mommy, and leaves behind an unwanted gift. Sometimes two individuals consensually make love and a baby is an accident either due to not using birth control, or contraceptive failure. [Holla! That's how I came to exist!]

Sometimes mommies and daddies decide together that they are not ready to be parents. Sometimes daddies run away, leaving the mommy by herself and then she decides that she simply cannot handle raising a child on her own. Sometimes mommies are still babies themselves [like my cousin Samantha - first abortion at the age of 14]. Sometimes doctors tell mommies that their bodies cannot give birth to a baby, that the mommy will die. Sometimes doctors tell mommies that their baby will be a special needs baby, and mommies decided that they cannot properly take care of that baby, and that they do not want that baby to suffer in life.

Sometimes mommies feel that they best thing they can do for their baby is to choose not to subject them to an unfair life.

All of this reminded me of a video that Eryn put on my Facebook wall a while ago.

Her name is Sonya Renee, and she is magnificent. Be prepared for goosebumps, it's magical. [Full text of the poem after the video.]

Culturally diversified biracial girl with a small diamond nose ring and pretty smile poses beside the words "women deserve better."
And I almost let her non-threatening grin begin infiltrate my psyche till I read the unlikely small print at the bottom of the ad:
"Sponsored by the US secretariat for pro-life activities and the Knights of Columbus."
On a bus in a city with a population of 563,000, four teenage mothers on the bus with me.
One latina woman with three children under three and no signs of a daddy.
One 16 year old black girl standing in 22 degree weather with only a sweater and a bookbag and a bassinet with an infant that ain't even 4 weeks yet,
Tell me that yes, women do deserve better.
Women deserve better than public transportation rhetoric from the same people who won't give that teenage mother a ride to the next transit,
Won't let you talk to their kids about safer sex,
Have never had to listen as door slams behind the man who adamantly says that shit ain't his, leaving her to wonder how she'll raise this kid.
Women deserve better than the 300 dollars TANIF and AFDC will provide that family of three,
Or the six dollar an hour job at KFC with no benefits for her new baby,
Or the college degree she'll never see because you can't have infants at the university.
Women deserve better than lip-service paid for by politicians who have no alternatives to abortion,
Though I'm sure right now one of their 17 year old daughters is sitting in a clinic lobby sobbing quietly and anonymously, praying parents don't find out,
Or is waiting for mom to pick her up because research shows that out of wedlock childbirth don't look good on political polls and Bush ain't having that.
Women deserve better than backward governmental policies that don't want to pay for welfare for kids, or health-care for kids, or childcare for kids,
Don't want to pay living wages to working mothers,
Don't want to make men who only want to be last night's lovers responsible for the semen they lay.
Just flat out don't want to pay for shit,
But want to control the woman who's having it.
Acting outraged at abortion.
Well I'm outraged that they want us to believe that they believe that women deserve better.
The Vatican won't prosecute pedophile priests,
But I decide I'm not ready for motherhood and it's condemnation for me?
These are the same people who won't support national condom distribution to prevent teenage pregnancy,
But women deserve better.
Women deserve better than back-alley surgeries that leave our wombs barren and empty.
Deserve better than organizations bearing the name of land-stealing racist rapists, funding million dollar campaigns on subway trains with no money to give these women,
While balding, middle-aged white men tell us what to do with our bodies while they wage wars and kill other people's babies.
So maybe women deserve better than propaganda and lies to get into office,
Propaganda and lies to get into panties,
To get out of court,
To get out of paying child support.
Get the fuck out of our decisions and give us back our voice.
Women do deserve better.
Women deserve choice.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Snowcones, hobos, and Jon Lajoie

Thanks to Jon, I don't give a fuck either.

Well, I give a small fuck, but the rage is definitely subsiding. I am feeling much better today. I feel like this woman I knew not too long ago - a woman I adore and love very, very much - myself.

[The new bag is magical. Snowcones are magical. YouTube is magical.]

I've decided I have enough sunshine in my heart to resume blogging on the Wasteland. Next week. Look for it.

The Bitchery will remain open. I like having the personal space.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Thursday, sweet Thursday . . .

Tomorrow I am expecting a gift from my mother - a new bag. I am hoping this will make me feel so much better about this week. This may seem very shallow and materialistic to you, to which I respond, "It is. It is, indeed. Fuck you."

My rage has subsided greatly today, much of this due to the closing of the fake Amber Jackson profile this afternoon.

I am also happier because of the knowledge that while everyone may not like me here, [that's a-ok with me] I do have a lot of people supporting me. It means a lot. So thank you:

Manda Mayo
**Jess Chen
Tim Auter
Brady Marston
Mendy Meisner
Meredith Stocks
Shauna Runyon
Clint Gilbert
Stephanie Rehkopf
**Jeremy Schroeder
Aaron Campbell
**Ashley Smith
Jan Chafey

And Clark, Eryn, and John, of course.

[Apologies to Elliott Tate - I have given you the stink-eye two days in a row. I'm really sorry, bud.]

And also, thank you to Spiritual Development. They have heard about the fake Amber Jackson, and Brad is now in talks with Scott in Student Development about how to proceed with this whole mess. Brad has heard many complaints [and threats apparently] from students surrounding the whole mess.

Today they spoke to Clark, stating they do not believe we are behind the blog, and that they support us fully.

Stick that in your rumor pipe and smoke it.

Maybe I can now recenter, put the joy back in my heart, and get back to more important matters: fashion.

Cross your fingers. We'll see how the rest of this week goes.


My bag came this evening. I checked my mail before beginning to study for Bib Interp. [Arguably the single most useless class for my life. MCS comes in a close second.]

I was right - it is making me feel better. I haven't made a complete recovery, but distressed gold slouchy hobo healing was definitely in order.

Also - I forgot to send thanks to Marcus Powers. That's right, I've got East Coast by my side. Soon the Bloods and Crips will be uniting under my banner. Because I am the OG.


Sleep did not rid me of my rage.

I did laugh some today, thanks to Eryn and Mendy Meisner. But I also cried.

For anyone who knows me well, this is not a surprise: I do not cry in front of just anybody, least of all in public. I am enraged that Andrea Green saw me crying before chapel. I am enraged that Dr. Wilcox saw me tear up before class. I am enraged that Mendy saw me tear up before lunch. I am holding this individual personally responsible for my inability to control my tears. Reparations will be made.

Latest and final conversations:

Danielle Marie Kellen wrote
at 8:30am
Inane was spelled correctly and used appropriately, you idiot. Look up [sic] before you start throwing it around. In fact, come visit me in the PRC. I'll teach you all about it.

This profile is disgusting. YOU are disgusting. Your sole purpose is to flush out Amber Jackson by attacking anyone you deem a likely choice.

Amber attacks people as well, perhaps she hurt your feelings in doing so, [boo fucking hoo, by the way] but she doesn't say things that have the potential to destroy lives.

Think very carefully about what you are doing. Like it or not, this IS libel, and a legitimate and punishable crime.

Danielle Marie Kellen wrote
at 8:37am
This entire profile needs to be removed. It still appears with Clark's name in the search.

Amber Jackson (Oklahoma City, OK) wrote
at 9:25am
One could also make the argument that what you and Clark Townsend are engaging in is libel as well. Is this right?

Danielle Marie Kellen wrote
at 9:43am
First, we would have to be writing the blog. You need to start rephrasing your statements instead of blatently stating that we are Amber Jackson.

Amber makes cutting remarks, not defamatory accusations capable of ruining a reputation. Look up libel on something other than

Amber Jackson (Oklahoma City, OK) wrote
at 11:03am
You are writing the blog.

Amber Jackson (Oklahoma City, OK) wrote
at 1:34pm
Amber Jackson is leaving, but would like all to know that Clark Towsend, Danielle Marie Kellen are responsible for the chapel blogs.

They have deleted the profile. Thank you for wasting everyone's time with your idiocy. Thank you for making the last two days a living hell. Thank you for making me a heinous and bitter bitch once again.

You may be gone, but I have not forgotten. I do not plan on searching out the creator of the fake profile, oh no. I plan on exhibiting real and tangible hatred toward any and every individual who accuses me again.

In other bitchiness:

Joshua Platter was once again staring me and Eryn down at lunch today. From this point on the favor shall be returned. Eryn has named it the business face. Be prepared to see it. Frequently.


Were I continuing the Wasteland I would have said that today was magical. Three magnificent outfits, one directly inspired in part by Marc Jacobs.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Bitch Hunt

1:17 AM, and someone is already pissing me off.

A new faux Facebook Profile has come up. It's sole purpose? To accuse Clark, and later myself and Eryn, of being the writers of the chapel blog.

Conversation highlights:

Convo# 1

Clark Townsend wrote
at 5:07pm
I am immediately offended that you would be so bold as to make a public statement linking me to "Amber Jackson." Because you could not possibly have any evidence to support the claim that you are making, I insist that you deactivate this profile immediately. If you wish to discuss this matter in private I am more than willing to do so, but I consider it no less than slander for you to try and link me to the ideologies and views expressed by "Amber Jackson." If this profile is still here tomorrow afternoon at this time, I will begin the process of having the account traced.

Danielle Marie Kellen wrote
at 5:38pm
Technically, Clark, this is libel. Slander is oral, libel is in print.

ACTJ, I don't understand your motive for this profile. It seems solely to be a desire to directly attack Clark. It is defamatory, and you haven't any proof to support your apparent claim that Clark is Amber Jackson. I don't think you fully grasp the weight of your actions. Should the administration take your allegations seriously, Clark could be stripped of his privileges, his jobs, and potentially requested to leave this institution, even if they have no proof linking him to the blog.

I hope you aren't a journalism student as you clearly have no grasp over journalistic integrity or ethics. If you are a mass communications student, I am sincerely ashamed to have you in my department and deeply concerned for the masses should you pursue a career in the media.

I also hope you aren't among those who berate Amber Jackson for remaining anonymous. You haven't stooped to her level - you've stooped much, much lower.

Amber Clark Townsend Jackson (Oklahoma City, OK) wrote
at 5:53pm
Who else has a key to Herrick that could get into the auditorium to take such a good picture of the banner? It would be noticed were one to take a picture during chapel... I will change the name of the profile, we may have jumped to conclusions, but several others have expressed their opinions about who the 'real' Amber Jackson, several of us believe that 'she' is comprised of a few people, yourself included. By tomorrow I will have removed the profile.

Danielle Marie Kellen wrote
at 6:14pm
I have heard all of these rumors and others. I honestly do not care if anyone feels it is me, or Clark, or John Justice, or Kyle Sides, or Brad and Jason themselves. What I am concerned about is the lack of integrity you displayed by joining his name with Amber's without anything but your assumptions.

The auditorium is normally unlocked an hour before chapel and for several hours after. Many groups of students use the auditorium for meetings and rehearsals. Herrick auditorium is not as inaccessible as you assume. (The locks are not impossible to pick either.) You are also assuming that it would be highly conspicuous for one to take pictures during chapel. (I was taking pictures in chapel today. Did you see me?) Current Cameras have at least 5X optical zoom. (My phone is 3X, around 3 MPX.) This makes it easy to discretely take a shot from virtually any seat in that auditorium.

I appreciate your decision to remove the profile. Perhaps you have a small amount of integrity after all.

Convo #2

Clark Townsend wrote
at 11:42pm
Did you honestly expect that I was going to just sit there and let you take potshots at me? Are you so immature as to think that simply because a couple people started rumors about my being "Amber Jackson" that their claims had merit? Danielle was right, you have stooped lower than this "Amber Jackson" character. Enough with the conjecture and accusations, just get this damn profile off facebook and grow up a little.

Amber Clark Townsend Jackson (Oklahoma City, OK) wrote
at 12:14am
We believe (as you and Danielle believe, in writing the blog) that every persons opinion must be heard. We also have noticed that you and/or Danielle Marie Kellen have not denied being 'Amber Jackson'. At your request, your connection with this profile will be removed.

Danielle Marie Kellen wrote
at 12:50am
"[E]very persons[sic] opinion must be heard." You don't need to preach this to me. I have fought more for free speech on this campus than you can conceive. I FULLY believe that every opinion deserves to be heard. [You have yet to voice one.]

"We also have noticed that you and/or Danielle Marie Kellen have not denied being 'Amber Jackson'." Brad hasn't denied being Amber Jackson. Neither has Dr. Gresham. Or Amanda Mayo, or Jonathan Platter, or Matthew McGrath, or Jennifer Morris, or Abbie Dedmon, or Amy Armstrong, or Tanner Bergman, or Jenna Holt, or Aaron Pope, or Chris Schafer, or Stephen Vandervort, or Evan Mosshart, or Andy Bouseman, or Brian Woolbright, or Stuart Campbell, or Tyler Hull, or Jessica Cory . . . . .

I thought we operated in a nation where individuals do not need to prove their innocence. My mistake.

BT Dubs - you have a lot of time to promise both Clark and myself that the connection will be removed. Why is it you no time to actually remove the connection?

Convo #3

Eryn Campbell wrote
at 10:39pm
may i ask why you created this profile? i can think of no legitimate reason other than straight-up hatefulness and passive aggression.
i have to say i'm disappointed and embarrassed that students at a supposedly "christian" university treat each other this way. call me an optimist, but i hoped for a little more from my fellow peers.

Amber Clark Townsend Jackson (Oklahoma City, OK) wrote
at 11:18pm
One might also make the argument as to why Clark, Danielle and yourself created 'Amber Jackson'.... I cant understand the need to create a persona to express your opinions, rather than own them yourself...

Danielle Marie Kellen wrote
at 12:53am
"I cant[sic] understand the need to create a persona to express your opinions [or blatant, unfounded accusations], rather than own them yourself..."

Obviously you can . . . .

BT Dubs - please learn to punctuate properly. We should all be writing on a college level.


And one for good measure, because I am an enraged little bitch:

Danielle Marie Kellen wrote
at 12:56am
Jonathan Platter's comment has been removed. That's shady business. Let's all get together and spread unfounded accusations behind his back. HEY! EVERYBODY! JONATHAN PLATTER IS AMBER CLARK TOWNSEND JACKSON!

Now let's get together and make an anonymous Facebook profile and title it Amber Clark Jonathan Platter Townsend Jackson.

ACTJ: For your well-being, I sincerely hope that I have never met you. Obviously you have no grasp over the person I am or the person I can become when pushed too far. If I were you, I'd begin taking precautions to make sure my identity was never revealed. I would give up vegetarianism solely for the purpose of consuming your flesh.

You've begun a witch hunt, dearie. [And honestly you've started persecuting the wrong lady.]

This bitch is on the hunt as well. You can be damn sure of that.

What the fuck are you looking at?

I'd say welcome, but I honestly don't care enough to do so. You're here. I acknowledged your presence. That's the best you get.

This is were I rant. It's going to keep me from going on a rampage. It's for your own good, really.

There will be no promises of kindness. Names might be mentioned. Whatever I feel is appropriate at the time. I will not be anonymous - it's not my style. I'll only promise this: if I say something I later regret, I'll apologize. If I am proved wrong in my judgments, I'll admit it. Save your pleas, I have no intention of listening to any Christian BS about kindness and compassion. You don't practice it, so I certainly don't see the need to. Save your biblical passages about Jesus wanting us to love one another as we love ourselves - you clearly don't understand these passages, so don't you dare throw them in my face. Call me what you will - for every pejorative you look up on Urban Dictionary, I already know five.

Why does this place exist?

Read the last post from Wasteland. That roughly covers it.

The details of the hatred are as follows:

* Punk I've never even seen before accosts me on the sidewalk, calling me a bitch. I assume this is due to the blog, as I have done nothing remotely bitchy in a very long time.
* Continuous rumors that I am Amber Jackson. Most assuming this also assume that I am a cold-hearted bitch who must be detested. I wasn't before. I am currently trying to figure out if this is now true.
* Jonathan and Joshua Platter staring down me and my dear friend Eryn while we are trying to enjoy a meal in the most detestable dining hall ever. I have never even properly met these boys. Now I have no desire to ever meet them. Or anyone else new, for that matter.

I will bitch about any and every one of you as I damn well please. You piss me off? It goes on the blog. You act like a little shit? It goes on the blog. You ruin any more of my days in the slightest way? It goes on the fucking blog.

Enjoy the fruits of your labor, bitches.