I did laugh some today, thanks to Eryn and Mendy Meisner. But I also cried.
For anyone who knows me well, this is not a surprise: I do not cry in front of just anybody, least of all in public. I am enraged that Andrea Green saw me crying before chapel. I am enraged that Dr. Wilcox saw me tear up before class. I am enraged that Mendy saw me tear up before lunch. I am holding this individual personally responsible for my inability to control my tears. Reparations will be made.
Latest and final conversations:

Danielle Marie Kellen wrote
at 8:30am
at 8:30am
Inane was spelled correctly and used appropriately, you idiot. Look up [sic] before you start throwing it around. In fact, come visit me in the PRC. I'll teach you all about it.
This profile is disgusting. YOU are disgusting. Your sole purpose is to flush out Amber Jackson by attacking anyone you deem a likely choice.
Amber attacks people as well, perhaps she hurt your feelings in doing so, [boo fucking hoo, by the way] but she doesn't say things that have the potential to destroy lives.
Think very carefully about what you are doing. Like it or not, this IS libel, and a legitimate and punishable crime.

This profile is disgusting. YOU are disgusting. Your sole purpose is to flush out Amber Jackson by attacking anyone you deem a likely choice.
Amber attacks people as well, perhaps she hurt your feelings in doing so, [boo fucking hoo, by the way] but she doesn't say things that have the potential to destroy lives.
Think very carefully about what you are doing. Like it or not, this IS libel, and a legitimate and punishable crime.

Danielle Marie Kellen wrote
at 8:37am
at 8:37am
This entire profile needs to be removed. It still appears with Clark's name in the search.

Amber Jackson (Oklahoma City, OK) wrote
at 9:25am
at 9:25am
One could also make the argument that what you and Clark Townsend are engaging in is libel as well. Is this right?

Danielle Marie Kellen wrote
at 9:43am
at 9:43am
First, we would have to be writing the blog. You need to start rephrasing your statements instead of blatently stating that we are Amber Jackson.
Amber makes cutting remarks, not defamatory accusations capable of ruining a reputation. Look up libel on something other than dictionary.com.

Amber makes cutting remarks, not defamatory accusations capable of ruining a reputation. Look up libel on something other than dictionary.com.

Amber Jackson (Oklahoma City, OK) wrote
at 11:03am
at 11:03am
You are writing the blog.

They have deleted the profile. Thank you for wasting everyone's time with your idiocy. Thank you for making the last two days a living hell. Thank you for making me a heinous and bitter bitch once again.
You may be gone, but I have not forgotten. I do not plan on searching out the creator of the fake profile, oh no. I plan on exhibiting real and tangible hatred toward any and every individual who accuses me again.
In other bitchiness:
Joshua Platter was once again staring me and Eryn down at lunch today. From this point on the favor shall be returned. Eryn has named it the business face. Be prepared to see it. Frequently.
Were I continuing the Wasteland I would have said that today was magical. Three magnificent outfits, one directly inspired in part by Marc Jacobs.

Amber Jackson (Oklahoma City, OK) wrote
at 1:34pm
at 1:34pm
Amber Jackson is leaving, but would like all to know that Clark Towsend, Danielle Marie Kellen are responsible for the chapel blogs.
They have deleted the profile. Thank you for wasting everyone's time with your idiocy. Thank you for making the last two days a living hell. Thank you for making me a heinous and bitter bitch once again.
You may be gone, but I have not forgotten. I do not plan on searching out the creator of the fake profile, oh no. I plan on exhibiting real and tangible hatred toward any and every individual who accuses me again.
In other bitchiness:
Joshua Platter was once again staring me and Eryn down at lunch today. From this point on the favor shall be returned. Eryn has named it the business face. Be prepared to see it. Frequently.
Were I continuing the Wasteland I would have said that today was magical. Three magnificent outfits, one directly inspired in part by Marc Jacobs.
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