Well, I hate docents like you.
What harm is my poor AE-1 causing the museum? It requires an external flash, which I did not bring because I know that light can damage the paintings. So, my taking flashless shots of marble and granite statuary? What harm was that causing?
It's not like I was going to try and take credit for a 2,000 year-old statue.
"Yeah, that sweet-ass statue of Nero as a child? I did that."
For the record, Mr. Docent, sir? I got a picture of your pudgy ass taking a nap while you were supposed to be monitoring the patrons. [You were apparently too busy to get that lady to stop talking loudly on her cell in the middle of the exhibit. Sure, you all have the time in the world to tell me to not take pictures, but you can't make that bitch shut the hell up when she was truly ruining peoples' experiences. Good call.]

BT Dubs - I got some sweet shots anyway. [On the AE-1 AND the phone, just to make sure I used all the cameras I had on my person.] Stick that in your I-have-to-wear-this-fugly-suit-from-JC Penny-for-my-superbly-exciting-career pipe and smoke it.

Religulous tonight! I am super excited. MLP informed me that it is amazing. I trust the Powers, so I am going into this fully expecting to be blown away.
I'm pretty sure that was the samae guy who scolded my 85 year-old friend for answering her phone, because she was obviously trying to sneak a picture. WTF?!
I too am anxiously awaiting my chance to see Religulous. Excited!
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