Wednesday, October 8, 2008

No good.

I'm sick, hence the lack of updates to both the Bitchery and the Wasteland.

My head feels like it is moments away from explosion.

Also - I finished a roll this past week. I had some very well-composed shots. Beautiful subject matter - including illegal shots of Roman sculpture from the Louvre.

After taking the film out of my camera, I noticed something funny. Well, not exactly funny. Less funny and more tragic.

My camera was set for 100ISO. I only shoot in 400 or above.

I had been explaining how to work my camera to my little sister over the summer. While doing this we had a conversation about film speed, and I was showing her how to make adjustments on my camera. I never reset it.

I'm just going to have to wait until I get in the darkroom to see if they are completely ruined, or if I can correct the exposure a little bit when I make prints.

I am not happy. Whole roll of film possibly wasted. And the worst part - some of those images I can't re-shoot.

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